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Visiting Scholarsviews:12472

The Fudan Scholar Program of Fudan Institute for Advanced Study in Social Sciences (Fudan-IAS)


Fudan-IAS invites distinguished overseas scholars in social sciences and humanities to be visiting scholars/fellow-in-residence at Fudan Institute for Advanced Study in Social Sciences through the funded Fudan Scholar Program of the Fudan Institute for Advanced Study (FDIAS). The program accepts at least 50 person-months of academic visiting annually, and provides favorable environment for accomplished scholars to do independent and creative scholarly research. The program is fully funded, and includes 3 levels, i.e., Honorary Fudan Scholar, Distinguished Fudan Scholar and Fudan Scholar, which corresponds to the three level of funding. The program also supports the scholars to interact with the faculty and students of Fudan University in workshops, lectures, seminars, and other forms.


·        The applicants who have won Nobel Prize, or other top international awards in the disciplines of social sciences and humanities, such as Johan Skytte Prize (in political science), or other same-level awards that recognize the highest achievements in social sciences and humanities, are suggested to apply for Honorary Fudan Scholar. Applicants should provide brief personal statements and documents of the qualifications for evaluation.

·        The applicants who have been recommended having the potential to win the aforementioned awards, or the distinguished scholars winning national level awards, such as John Bates Clark Medal (American economists) The SSHRC Impact Awards (The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada), or the academicians of a country or a region, such as American Academy of Arts and Sciences, European Academy of Arts and Sciences (Academia Europaea), are suggested applying for Distinguished Fudan Scholar. Applicants should also provide brief personal statements and documents of the qualifications for evaluation.

·        The applicants who are less than 35 years old and have prominent scientific research potential, such as post-doctors or assistant professor, are suggested applying for Fudan Scholar.

·        The applicants who have the experience of working in a government or international organizations, famous enterprises, as well as the ability of promoting advanced exchange and research for Fudan-IAS, are suggested applying for suitable levels based on the assessment of their personal qualifications.


How to apply

1.     Registration: all applicants must register online first

2.     Documents: all applicants must provide CV or/and statement of proposed research during the visit if the visit is above one month (the applicants of Fudan Scholar need two reference letters)

3.     Application period: open all year round

4.     Visiting Period: one week to three months


Allowances & Services

·        A round trip air ticket determined in accordance with FDIAS regulations.

·        A monthly stipend determined in accordance with FDIAS regulations.

·        Designated accommodation and office facilities.

Application website: APPLY HERE

Before you apply and how to apply, please contact: sguo@fudan.edu.cn

Fudan Institute for Advanced Study in Social Sciences

2807 East Main Tower, Guanghua Building

220 Handan Road

Fudan University

Shanghai, Yangpu District, 200433
